INLS161-002 | Spring 2017

Session Date: Wednesday Jan 11, 2017

Introductory Class and Basics Intro

In this session we will introduce ourselves and learn more about the expectations of the class. We will review the syllabus, the schedule, honor code, and the tasks that will need to be completed by each student.

You will be invited to join the class blog at

Task 1.1

Your first task will make an initial post to the class blog.

Include in it at least the following:

  1. your name and the name you prefer to be called
  2. your hometown (in whatever manner you chose to define the word "hometown")
  3. your class (first year, second, third, fourth, graduate student)
  4. your major
  5. what you hope to get out of this class

Your post can be about anything. If possible, try to find an angle that makes it relevant to our course of study.

Posting on this blog will introduce you to the workings of the WordPress Content management system available for use to all students and faculty. However, we will spend very little time learning Wordpress in this class. Instead, we will focus on learning the basics of UNIX, HTML and CSS which will prove to be more profitable for you and may give you the confidence to adapt or build your own WordPress theme someday.

Task 1.2

Sign up for at least two newsletters

Sign up for at least two newsletters and send me a note and tell me which ones you subscribed to.


I want you all to sign up for two newsletters

  1. Alertbox: Current Issues in Web Usability. Jakob Nielsen's biweekly column on how to design more usable websites
  2. Technology Review: a journal of links to articles about technology developments (in their technical, social, and policy aspects)

Your choice

You may, depending on your interests, wish to sign up for one or more of these newsletters, but this is purely optional.

  • Search Engine Watch : tips about internet search engines & search engine submission
  • FirstMonday : a peer-reviewed scholarly journal from the University of Illinois, Chicago
  • Scout Report: a publication of the Internet Scout Research Group, published every Friday both on the Web and by email subscription, it provides a way to stay informed of valuable STEM and humanities resources on the Internet.

If you wish to sign up for a newsletter as an RSS feed instead of as an email service, do so.

Just tell me that you chose the RSS option.

Before we close out this session we will make sure you have a GitHub account set up and that you are able to set up a quick GitHub Web Page and learn a few Markdown basics.


Quick Links


Lawrence Jones

Office hours by appointment.