Cal's picture

Christopher (Cal) Lee

I'm a Professor at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I teach archival administration; records management; digital curation; understanding information technology for managing digital collections; and acquisition of digital data from physical media. My primary area of research is the long-term curation of digital collections. I'm particularly interested in the professionalization of this work and the diffusion of existing tools and methods (e.g., digital forensics, web archiving, automated implementation of policies) into professional practice.

For the official summary of what I do and have done, you can see my Curriculum Vitae (CV).

Some Documents I've Authored or Co-authored:

Recent Projects and Activities:

Presentations and Events in Which I've Participated:

Sites I've Developed or Co-Developed:

Page last updated: May 27, 2019