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Practicing Yoga

Sources listed in this section are categorized by their format. Each category contains different levels of sources to guide the user practice yoga or help the user understand more about yoga practice or therapy.

It should be noted that each individual’s body and learning style is different. Should the users find any of the sources not appropriate for them, they are encouraged to try other materials available in UNC libraries.

Part I Books | Part II E-books | Part III DVD &CD | Part IV Popular Magazines




The HR Training & Development Library* at UNC holds a great collection of audiovisual materials on yoga. Users will find them very helpful for their hands-on practice at home or in class. Additionally, item 5 is a great source fot those who are interested in learning the anatomical principles behind yoga.

1. Rizopoulos, Natasha, and GoodTimes Entertainment. Yoga Journal's Yoga Stepbystep. New York, N.Y.: GoodTimes, 2004.

What's inside: each complete session in the three-DVD series will help the users develop and grow their own home practice.
Call number: WEL Yogastep 2004 Disc 1, WEL Yogastep 2004 Disc 2, and WEL Yogastep 2004 Disc 3
Audience: great for beginner yoga practitioners

2. Water Music Records, and YogaFit. Music for Active Yoga. Encino, CA: Water Music Records.

What's inside: latest of the series of Active Yoga CDs
Call number:
volume 7: WEL Musicfor 2001; volume 8:  CD-ROM WEL Musicfor 2004
Audience: home practice and yoga class

3. Wohl, Michael, and Bodywisdom Media. Yoga for Inflexible People. BodyWisdom Media, 2002.

What's inside: over 35 workouts of varied lengths and purposes
Call number: WEL Yogafor 2002
Audience: great for beginner yoga practitioners

4. Yee, Rodney, Ted Landon, and Gaiam Real Goods. Intermediate Yoga. Broomfield, CO: Gaiam, 2004.

What's inside: introduces the more challenging inverted poses, while enhancing the familiar poses with more detail and holding them for longer periods of time
Call number: WEL Intermed 2004
Audience: intermediate and experienced yoga practitioners

5. Yee, Rodney, Patricia Walden, and Gaiam Media. A.M. and P.M. Yoga. Deluxe DVD ed. Broomfield, CO: Gaiam, 1999.

What's inside: two 20-minute segments--one to start the day and one to bring the day to a close
Call number: WEL Amand 1999
Audience: all levels of yoga practitioners

5.Coulter, H. David. Anatomy of Hatha Yoga: A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners. Honesdale, PA: Body and Breath, 2001.

What's inside: The author received his PhD in anatomy in 1968 and has been practicing yoga since the 1970s. His expertise in both areas allow him to provide insightful persective on anatomical principle behind virous yoga postures,meditation, and breathing.
Call number: WEL Anatomy 2001
Audience: yoga teachers, yoga students, and medical practitioners

*Note: These materials can be looked up in the library catalog, but the library is not physically located on the main campus. Location and contact information of this library are listed below.
Administrative Office Building 104 Airport Dr., Ste. 1500, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Phone: 919-962-2550
E-mail: training_development@unc.edu