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Yoga at a Glance

This section provides general backbground informaiton on yoga and yoga health benefits. Mutiple types of sources are listed, such as encyclopedia, dictionary, guide, textbook, and website.

1. Navarra, Tova. The Encyclopedia of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. New York: Facts On File, c2004.

What's inside: brief introduction of yoga definition and history; extensive coverage of yoga branches and important figures in yoga; health benefits of yoga are also briefly touched
Location and call number: Health Sciences Library Reference 1st floor, WB 13 N321e 2004; Undergraduate Library Reference 1st floor, R733 .N38 2004
Audience: general readers and health care professionals/students

2. Krapp, Kristine M., and Jacqueline L. Longe. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001.

What's inside: definition, origin, and schools of yoga; table of yoga positions and illustrations; precaution and side effects of practicing yoga; information on yoga training and certification; list of further sources such as books, periodicals, organizations and WWW links
Location and call number: Davis Library Reference 1st floor, R733 .G34 2001 v.4; Undergraduate Library Reference 1st floor, R733 .G34 2001 v.4
Audience: general readers

3. American Yoga Association

What's inside: a broad range of yoga related information, such as general information on yoga, index to yoga and health topics, yoga lessons, and tips on how to choose a qualified yoga teacher; “Yoga A to Z” page for searching Sanskrit terms
Location: free online source provided by an non-profit organization
Audience: general users

4. Wood, Ernest. Yoga Wisdom. New York: Philosophical Library; distributed by Book Sales, 1970.

What's inside: a simplified, non-technical, dictionary of Sanskrit terms used in yoga
Location and call number:
Davis Library 3rd floor stacks, B132 .Y6 W594 1970
Audience: those who is interested in knowing yoga terminology

5. Yuan, Chun-Su, et al. Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2nd ed. London: Informa Healthcare, 2006.

What's inside: Chapter 19 Yoga by A. Sood; yoga definition and history; essence and forms of yoga practice; medical usage of yoga
Location and call number:
Health Sciences Library 3rd floor stacks, WB 890 T355 2006
Audience: primarily for health care professionals or students; general readers may also find the introudciton part helpful

6. Mackenzie, Elizabeth R., and Birgit Rakel. Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Older Adults : A Guide to Holistic Approaches to Healthy Aging. New York: Springer Pub. Co., 2006.

What's inside: Chapter 11 Yoga: An introduction by Robert Butera; yoga origination; yoga in the U.S.; schools of yoga; health benefits of yoga; yoga practice, philosophy, and life style; list of NIH-funded studies on yoga; list of further sources like books and websites
Location and call number: Health Sciences Library 3rd floor stacks, WB 890 C7368 2006
Audience: primarily for health care professionals or students; general readers may also find the introduction part helpful

7.Leskowitz, Eric D. Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rehabilitation. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2003.

What's inside: Chapter 5 Yoga therapy by Robyn Ross; definition, history, and philosophy of yoga; therapeutic yoga for rehabilitation; yoga for stress reduction; potential benefits and risks of yoga; clinical applications of yoga; detailed treatment plans for a number of diseases; case studies
Location and call number: Health Sciences Library 3rd floor stacks,SS WB 890 L625c 2003
primarily for health care professionals or students; general readers may also find the introduction part helpful