Gary Marchionini
Marchionini, G. (2018) Search, sense making and learning: closing gaps, Information and Learning Science,
Marchionini, G. (2016). Information Science Roles in the Emerging Field of Data Science. Journal of Data and Information Science, 1(2).
Marchionini, Gary. (2014). Libraries of People. Information Studies 20(3), (Jul 2014), 143-194.
Marchionini, G. (2014), Research Data Stewardship: Ensuring Data Quality to Enable New Science in iSchools. Document, Information and Knowledge.
Marchionini, G. (2014). Libraries and literacies: from I to we. Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Proceedings
Capra, R., Chen, A., Hawthorne, K.., Arguello, J., Shaw, L., & Marchionini, G. 2012. Design and Evaluation of a System to Support Collaborative Search. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, October 26-30, 2012, Baltimore, MD. Silver Spring, MD: ASIST.
Capra, R., Arguello, J., Chen, A., Hawthorne, K.., Marchionini, G. & Shaw, L. 2012. The ResultsSpace collaborative search environment. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 435-436. DOI=10.1145/2232817.2232929
Marchionini, G. & Moran, B. (Editors), 2012. Information Professionals 2040: Educational Possibilities and Pathways. ISBN 978-1-300-20486-2. Open Access: Professionals-2050.pdf
Song, Y., Marchionini, G., & Oh, C. (2010). What are the most eye-catching and ear-catching features in the video? Implications for video summarization. Proceedings of the 2010 WWW Conference. Raleigh, NC, April 26-30, 2010.
Capra, R., Marchionini, G., Velasco-Martin, J., and Muller, K. 2010. Tools-at-hand and learning in multi-session, collaborative search. In Proceedings of the 28th international Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 10 - 15, 2010). CHI '10. ACM, New York, NY, 951-960.
Portnoy, F. and Marchionini, G. 2010. Modeling the effect of habituation on banner blindness as a function of repetition and search type: gap analysis for future work. In Proceedings of the 28th of the international Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 10 - 15, 2010). CHI EA '10. ACM, New York, NY, 4297-4302.
Shah, C. & Marchionini, G. (2010). Awareness in Collaborative Information Seeking. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(10), p. 2011-2028.
Marchionini, G., Song, Y., & Farrell, R. (2009). Multimedia surrogates for video gisting: Toward combining spoken words and imagery. Information Processing & Management. 45(6), p. 615-630.
Capra, R., Marchionini, G., Velasco-Martin, J., and Muller, K. 2010. Tools-at-hand and learning in multi-session, collaborative search. In Proceedings of the 28th international Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 10 - 15, 2010). CHI '10. ACM, New York, NY, 951-960
Editorial: Reviewer merits and review control in an age of electronic manuscript management systems ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26(4), 1-6.
Human-information interaction research and development Library and Information Science Research, 30(3), 165-174.
Digital video policy and practice in higher education: From gatekeeping to viral lectures. Educational Technology, 48(5), 39-41.
Rating Reviewers Science, 319(5868), 1335-6
Marchionini, G. & White, R. (2007). Find what you need, understand what you find. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 23(3), 205-237.
MPACT and citation impact: Two sides of the same scholarly coin? Sugimoto, C., Russell, T., Meho, L., & Marchionini, G. Library and Information Science Research, 30(4), 273-281.
Information and library science MPACT: A preliminary analysis. Marchionini, G., Solomon, P., Davis, C., & Russell, T. (2006). Information and library science MPACT: A preliminary analysis. Library & Information Science Research, 28, 480-500. Awarded the 2007 Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research by the ALA Library Research Round Table
Human Performance Measures for Video Retrieval Multimedia Information Retrieval Workshop (ACM Multimedia 2006), Santa Barbara, October 27, 2006
The Open Video Digital Library: A Möbius strip of research and practice. (Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology) preprint with figures; Online final at Wiley InterScience
Exploratory search: From finding to understanding. Communications of the ACM, 49(4), p. 41-46. (April 2006).
Accessing Government Statistical Information Marchionini, G., Haas, S., Zhang, J., & Elsas, J. (2005). Computer, 38(12), (Dec. 2005). p. 52-61. (see also IEEE DL)
From Information Retrieval to Information Interaction Keynote at European Conference on Information Retrieval, April 5, 2004
Digital Government Information Services: The Bureau of Labor Statistics Case. Interactions: New visions of human-computer interaction, 10(4). 18-27. Also See ACM Digital Library
How fast is too fast? Evaluating fast forward surrogates for digital video. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Research on Digital Libraries (Houston, TX: May 27-31, 2003)., Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE. pp. 221-230. Received Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award. Wildemuth, B., Marchionini, G., Yang. M., Geisler, G., Wilkens, T., Hughes, A., & Gruss, R.
Toward a General Relation Browser: A GUI for Information Architects Journal of Digital Information. 2003 4(1), JoDI
The Open Video Digital Library dLib, 8(12), 2002.
User Studies Informing E-Table Interfaces Information Processing & Management, 39(4), p 561-579.
Co-evolution of user and organizational interfaces: A longitudinal case study of WWW dissemination of national statistics Journal of the American Society for Information Science (Vol 53 Number 14, p.1192-1209) Best JASIST Paper Award
Planning new Internet Services: Tracking Public Need, task, and Expectation Trajectories Final Report the the Bureau of Labor Statistics, August 31, 2001
E-Tables: Non-Specialist use and understanding of statistical data (with Carol Hert, Ben Shneiderman, and Liz Liddy) National Conference on Digital Government Research, dg.02001 Proceedings, 114-119.
Final Report on the Perseus Publication Model 1997-2000. Final report to FIPSE, August 31, 2000
From Overviews to Previews to Answers: Integrated Interfaces for Federal Statistics Report to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 30, 2000
Evaluating Digital Libraries: A Longitudinal and Multifaceted View preprint from Library Trends, Fall 2000 vol 49(2), p. 304-333.
Interfaces to Support Customized Views and Manipulation of Statistical Data paper presented at International Conference on Establishment Surveys II (Buffalo, June 2000)
Extending Understanding of Federal Statistics in Tables ( Conference on Universal Usability with Carol Hert, Liz Liddy, and Ben Shneiderman)
Agileviews: A Human-Centered Framework for Interfaces to Information Spaces (with Gary Geisler & Ben Brunk) SILS Technical Report 2000-01
Augmenting Library Services: Toward the Sharium Invited paper presented at the International Symposium on Digital Libraries 1999
An Alternative Site Map Tool for the Fedstats Website
The people in digital libraries: Multifaceted approaches to assessing needs and impact with C. Plaisant & A. Komlodi. Chapter to appear in A. Bishop, B. Buttenfield, & N. VanHouse (Eds.) Digital library use: Social practice in design and evaluation. MIT Press.
Evaluation Report on the Perseus Project Publication Model 1998-1999
Educating Responsible Citizens in the Information Society appeared in Educational Technology Spring 1999
Advanced Interface Designs for the BLS Website: Final Report to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 1999.
Evaluation Report on the Perseus Project Evaluation Model 1997-98
Consider a Sharium DRAFT! (an evolving concept paper)
Digital Library Research and Development (article in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science)
Overviews and Previews for Multimedia Instructional Resources (with Wei Ding, in ASIS 98 Proceedings, describes the BLC interface, including video browsing features)
Overviews and Previews for the Library of Congress National Digital Library program (with Catherine Plaisant & Anita Komlodi) (1997 Technical Report summarizing LC NDL Project, final version appeared in Information Processing & Management 1998)
Public Access and Use of Government Statistical Information (with Stephan Greene) (White Paper presented to the Federal Information Services NSF Workshop, Spring 1997)
Content+Connectivity=Community: Digital Resources for a Learning Community(ACM DL '97 paper describing the Baltimore Learning Community Project)
Bringing Treasures to the Surface: Iterative Design for the Library of Congress National Digital Library Program (ACM CHI '97 Design Briefing ftp'ed from the HCIL)
Costs of Educational Technology: A Framework for Assessing Change (ED-MEDIA 95 Invited Talk)
The roles of digital libraries in teaching and learning (with Hermann Mauer) (Communications of the ACM, April, 1995 (HTML) OR (full paper with color images at ACM Digital Library),
Resource Search and Discovery (Getty AHIP paper 1995)