School of Information and Library Science
School of Public Health
School of Medicine


Ongoing research

Project team



PHR Needs Assessment Study

PHR Medication Tracker

Electronic Presentation of Medical Test Results

Evidence Base for Personal Health Record Usability: Final Report to the National Cancer Institute (PDF)
March 1, 2007 (Gary Marchionini, Barbara K. Rimer, and Barbara Wildemuth)

Information Extraction from Medical Notes.(PDF) Accepted to MEDINFO, Brisbane, Australia
(Kraus,S., Blake,C. & West,S.L (In Press))

Automated Information Extraction from Electronic Health Records,(09/07-08/08)
A grant funded by Computing Research Association Multidisciplinary Research Opportunity for Women (MRO-W) Program ($22,500). It will support 3 female undergraduate students and has four specific aims :
Aim A) To what degree does a concept representation help in extracting medical conditions and side-effects?
Aim B) To what degree does deep language processing enable the detection of negated findings?
Aim C) To what degree does deep language processing enable differentiation between current and historical medical history in particular previous medications?
Aim D) How well do automated information extraction techniques work with respect to identifying data from electronic medical records that is critical for pharmacoepidemiology research?

This site is managed by the PHR research team at School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill