Web Resources

HyperArts: Thomas Pynchon - http://www.hyperarts.com/pynchon/index.html

This site contains a discussion forum, a chat room, and comprehensive indices of Pynchon's three major novels. Also provided is a page of "Pynchonalia", which consists of a large list of links to other sites devoted to Pynchon's work.

Pynchon Notes - http://w3.ham.muohio.edu/~krafftjm/pynchon.html

The Pynchon Notes web site is the online home of the journal listed above. On these pages, ordering information as well as the contents page of the current and forthcoming issues can be found. The most useful portion of the site, however, is the inclusion of a cumulative bibliography for issues 1 through 44-45 (October 1979 - present).

Spermatikos Logos - http://www.libyrinth.com/pynchon/

Spermatikos Logos is another site dedicated to the study of Thomas Pynchon. In addition to the introductions to each of the novels and numerous links to reviews and essays about them, the site also presents information about connections the author has with film/TV and music (e.g. a listing of the various CD liner notes penned by Pynchon is given). There is also a brief, yet informative, biography as well as many useful links to discussion boards and external sites where, among many other things, the full text of several of Pynchon's novels can be found.

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