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Online Resources

The following sources are available free via the Internet.  All sites were last viewed 5/4/02.


George Cruikshank: Art, Alcohol, and Satire , from the BBC in England http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/tate/cruikshank/index.shtml

This site includes several articles about Cruikshank and satire and art & alcohol and related artists.  It’s from an authority source, the British Broadcasting Corporation.  The English are very proud to claim Cruikshank as their own.  It also includes links to other sites, and links like “who is George Cruikshank?” and “Take the Cruikshank quiz.”  It has information for all age levels and is fairly extensive. 


Cruikshank Artwork at Princeton University Library, last updated 1/23/02 http://libweb5.princeton.edu/Visual_Materials/cruikshank/

Princeton University is well known for its scholarship in art and art history.  This site includes a wonderful introductory essay to Cruikshank’s life, a finding aid and catalog of drawings for materials in their manuscript collection, a Cruikshank Database that can be used to locate works in the collection by any of the Cruikshank men (George’s father and brother were both artists as well), and an online exhibit of Cruikshank’s work.


Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine, last updated 4/18/02                                                                   http://www.artcyclopedia.com/index.html

The American Library Association’s MARS Project named this site one of the 25 Best Free Reference Sites.  You can search by artist name, artwork title, or museum name.  If you search for George Cruikshank, it lists all of the online exhibits where work by George Cruikshank can be found.  It’s a great way to find examples of his work on the web.  



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