Thank you for your interest in submitting work to the SILS Digital Project Repository. Types of work currently archived by the DPR include pathfinders, portals, and digital archives, but other HTML format project types are welcome too.

Before submitting projects to the DPR, note that all work submitted will be housed on the DPR's server space, so as to maintain permanent access to student projects.

By submitting your work to be housed in the SILS Digital Project Repository, you are signaling your acceptance for your work to be made public under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 license.This license essentially allows others to tweak, build upon, and redistribute your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under identical terms.

Before submitting work, please follow these submission guidelines*:

  1. Consolidate all files associated with a single project into a single folder.
  2. Make sure that all links within html documents are relative rather than absolute.
  3. Do NOT include files that do not actually appear within your project (such as unused images or drafts of html pages).
Once your files are prepared for submission according to the above guidelines, e-mail them to the DPR Administrators. Include the following information in the body of your submission e-mail:
  1. Project creator(s)
  2. Project title
  3. Semester and year project was created (e.g. Fall 2002)
  4. Class for which project was created (e.g. INLS 111)
  5. Project type (e.g. pathfinder)
Please send individual projects in individual e-mails.

We look forward to your submissions!