©: Evelyn Daniel
Revised 6/1/99.

 dog.  Her name is BEAR.






Objectives ... Textbook ... Assignment Overview ... Grading ... Technological Tools ... WHAT'S NEW ? ?



Summer 1999

NOTE: If you are signed up as a student in this course, please go to Student Information Form, fill it out and send it to me. Thanks.

Objectives of the Course. Students, upon completion of the course, will be able to:

Approach grant seeking and proposal writing positively and confidently,

Identify and approach funding sources,

Draft a effective letter proposal concisely integrating all the proposal elements.

Produce a proposal consistently integrating all the elements,

Learn how to critique a proposal relative to funders' interests and to provide suggestions for improvement.

Develop effective and efficient collaborative skills in working with a partner (or partners) via distance.

Textbooks, Readings and Useful Websites. The required textbook for the class is:

Miner, Lynn E., Jeremy T. Miner and Jerry Griffith Proposal Planning & Writing 2nd Oryx Press, 1998.
A second book is recommended. Some of the information in this book duplicates, I believe in a helpful manner, some of the material in the Miner et al book above. This text is:

Geever, Jane C. and Patricia McNeill. The Foundation Center's Guide to Proposal Writing. Rev. ed. The Foundation Center, 1997.
A bibliography of other print sources is also provided.

Please also see Funding sources for links to a variety of useful internet pages.

Assignment Overview. Students may take the course for either 1/2 or 1 unit. Differing requirements are as follows:

For 1/2 unit
  • Participate as directed in team, group, and individual work.

  • Submit organizational description and concept paper [individual].

  • Create grant agency prospect form and identify two possible funding sources (if possible, one should be public and one private)
  • Write letter proposal [individual or team].

  • Specific need, proposal ojbectives and method of evaluating how well objectives have been achieved [individual or team].

  • Write reviewer's comments on draft proposal for a team doing full proposal [individual or team].

  • Prepare all submission as web pages.

For 1 unit
  • Participate as directed in team, group, and individual work.

  • Submit organizational description and concept paper [individual].

  • Create grant agency prospect form and identify five possible funding sources (if possible, at least two should be public and two private).

  • Create a full proposal in parts as follows: [team]
    • Need statement, Goal(s) and Objectives
    • Work Plan and Resource Plan
    • Dissemination Plan and Evaluation Plan
    • Budget with justifications and specifications (where needed)
    • Cover Sheet and Abstract (Revised Concept Paper)

  • Write reviewer's comments on draft proposal for a team doing full proposal [team].

  • Prepare all submission as web pages.

Please see Assignments for more detail with a picture of how these assignments are related and when each piece is due.

Grading. Grading will be based on the following weights:
  • Participation on Webboard and on assignments demonstrating ability to work collegially and to contribute meaningfully (25%),
  • Organizational description, concept paper and funding source(s) (15%),
  • (1/2 credit) Letter Proposal (25%)
  • (1/2 credit) Need, Objectives and Evaluation Method (25%)
  • (1 credit) Full Proposal (50%)
  • Reviewer's comments on draft proposal (10%)

Note: All members of a team will receive the same grade unless there is overwhelming evidence why it should be otherwise.

Criteria for evaluating the final proposal includes:

    • All elements included;
    • Logical consistency between

      1. Need and objectives,
      2. Objectives and work plan,
      3. Work plan and resource requirements,
      4. Evaluation and objectives,
      5. Dissemination and objectives (or goal),
      6. Budget and work, evaluation and dissemination plans;

    • Tailored to target sponsor’s guidelines;
    • Fit between funding source interests and proposal;
    • attractive and easy to read format;
    • Creativity in concept, approach and presentation.

Incompletes: A grade of incomplete may be taken only because of illness or special circumstances and only with the prior permission of the instructor.

Technological Tools. We will be using the LEEP technological tools. I have made a website of material for the 450 Grantwriting course on my home system (http://ils.unc.edu/daniel/450/) but I will also link pages to the LEEP class space and use that space for all the interactive components of the class: the live web tour, the class webboard. The archives for audio and chat sessions will be posted there as well.

I have had some success using .pdf files in a password-protected site for reserve readings and will experiment some more with this for the Grantwriting course although I do not foresee a lot of class-assigned outside reading. Your textbook(s) should provide most of the background material you will need.

You will be working interactively with a group of your classmates (grouped by common interests insofar as possible) and one (or possibly two) team mates. Your collaborative work will be produced as .html web pages using SiteEdit.

We will use the Webboard for discussion and group critiques.

In addition to these asynchronous tools, we will also need to meet simultaneously a number of times through the semester. See the schedule for a tentative schedule of times for such meetings.

Of course in addition to these fancy LEEP tools, we will be able to email each other as frequently as you wish. With the exception of one week in July, I should be able to respond to your individual email messages with a 24 hour turnaround.

If you have any comments or questions on any aspect of the syllabus, please contact Evelyn Daniel