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Relational Databases

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posted603 & 604 Database/SQL Intro


  • starters
  • practice a few sql queries on some book data and compare these queries to some Excel Data using the same data
  • discuss the 05 Professional Presentation final project expectations
  • leave time at the end for any project questions
    • 02.03 Web Project
    • 03 Document Markup Project
    • 04 Data Project

The best way to practice the queries is to right-click each button below to open them in two browser windows. Next, resize, move and arrange them as shown below the buttons.

Data: Right Click to Open in new window SQL Entry: Right Click to open in new window

vpn image

We will start out running this contains query: LIKE %freedom%

SELECT tblBook_Title, tblBook_Topic
FROM tblBook
WHERE tblBook_Title LIKE '%freedom%'
ORDER BY tblBook_Title

We will discover that one of the entries returned ENDS with freedom. But when we run a query looking for book titles that END with %freedom, it will fail.

The reason is fails is important to understand!!