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Data Display

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Charts Recording from Fall 2022

The above is not a perfect recording, but it has a lot of info that I did not cover in this live session. If you watch this one, don't forget that in your second chart you need a floating call out and the legend is at the top of the chart. I did not explicitly demo those items, but the video shows the final example.

In the class recording link below, I did not demo changing the Title in the Second Chart, but the rubric asks you to not accept the default title. Look at the source date sheet title for guidance on naming your chart in the chart title.

class recording statuslink
posted603 & 604 Spring 2023 Data Display (charts)on Panopto

Charts Demonstration

I will demonstrate the 15 chart-01 and 16 chart-02 tasks on rows 48-55 of the grade sheet.

Slides from a previous class are applicable to moving a chart to a new worksheet:

Move Chart to new Worksheet

Page Setup

I will then demonstrate how to set your footers and headers and other page setup items on rows 14-17 in the grade sheet.

We skipped these in the first session so that all pages, including your charts, would be set up properly.

Here is a link to a Google Slide Presentation on How to do Page Setup (these are also from a previous semester and are the same steps as this semester):

Page Setup Slides