INLS777-001 Fall 2022

Perspectives on information, technology and people

01 November 2022  1100-1215

Information design

Let's begin by learning something we didn't know we didn't know.

① info world

We will start each session with one of us standing before the assembled group and introducing us to an "information world" that they are familiar with, but one that may well be new to the rest of us.

This will be voluntary: there will be no one necessarily assigned to do this weekly, though we hope everyone would want to share of themselves by taking advantage of the opportunity.

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② watch presenter in Sakai calendar

We will talk more about how people understand information, but we want to think about how to use design effectively.

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③ read presenter in Sakai calendar

The video mentioned things, this reading expands on it.

The 7 principles of design and how to use them

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④ ponder presenter in Sakai calendar

Read these if you desire more background

Design Principles by the Interaction Design Foundation

Design principles are fundamental pieces of advice for you to make easy-to-use, pleasurable designs. You apply them when you select, create and organize elements and features in your work.
Design principles represent the accumulated wisdom of researchers and practitioners in design and related fields. When you apply them, you can predict how users will likely react to your design.

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