INLS777-001 Fall 2022

Perspectives on information, technology and people

25 October 2022  1100-1215

Information behaviors, or, perhaps, the way users relate to information.

Let's begin by learning something we didn't know we didn't know.

① info world

We will start each session with one of us standing before the assembled group and introducing us to an "information world" that they are familiar with, but one that may well be new to the rest of us.

This will be voluntary: there will be no one necessarily assigned to do this weekly, though we hope everyone would want to share of themselves by taking advantage of the opportunity.

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② watch presenter in Sakai calendar

Thinking recursively about how people understand information, watch this definition of information video.

A perennial question in Information Science is, "What is Information?" After reviewing definitions from the literature, this video presents an alternative visual approach based upon the draw-and-write technique. "Pictorial metaphors" drawn by people are used as a source for new insights into information as Earth, Web, Tree, Cloud, Box, Light Bulb, and Eye. A conclusion claims that the visual perspective is more accessible, artful, sensual, and spacious than long-standing definitions made of words.


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③ read presenter in Sakai calendar

Hearst, Marti. Models of the Information Seeking Process. In Search User Interfaces. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

In particular, read

  1. 3.1: The Standard Model of Information Seeking
  2. 3.2: Cognitive Models of Information Seeking
  3. 3.5: Information Seeking as a Strategic Process

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④ ponder presenter in Sakai calendar

Read these if you desire more background

Croft, W. Bruce, Donald Metzler, and Trevor Strohman.
Architecture of a Search Engine, 13-29,
Retrieval Models, 233-241,
in Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2010.

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