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Final Student Presentations


Presentation project is due during final exam time corresponding to your recitation schedule.

INLS161-601will do presentations as final exam0800-1100 onFriday03 Dec 2021
INLS161-602will do presentations as final exam0800-1100 onSaturday04 Dec 2021
INLS161-603will do presentations as final exam1600-1900 onTuesday07 Dec 2021
INLS161-604will do presentations as final exam1200-1500 onFriday10 Dec 2021

The exam session will be used to view your classmate's presentations. This is a valuable class for solidifying your presentation skills. We will not have time for everyone to show their presentation, but everyone should participate in giving feedback. We will not require everyone to stay for the full three hours. We will go for about 75 minutes. Then we will take a 10 minute break. If you want to return after the break and continue to present or offer feedback, we will continue for as long as necessary within the three hour exam period.

There is no additional work necessary for the final exam period. Attendance will be taken for the final exam for UNC administration purposes. If you are unable to attend any exam due to your schedule, please contact me prior the end of the semester.

If you are not able to attend your scheduled exam, you may attend an alternate session.