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Activity 5: Headers and References

Login to Panopto to see the embedded playlist You will need to come back and refresh the screen to see the playlist. Safari may not show the playlist. Firefox should.

Macintosh screenshots for Headers and Reference

Task 3.20 Page Numbers

Insert page numbers in the footer with the number centered. Using your footer tools and sections (do not link the second section to the first section), be sure that there is no page number on the title page.

Task 3.21 Odd Page Headers

Add headers to the document so that the odd page headers for all sections beginning with the first chapter in your book have the title of the book centered in them.

Task 3.22 Even Page Headers

Add headers to the document so that the even page headers for each chapter show either the chapter number or the title of each chapter centered in them (if you have both a title and a chapter number, use the title in the header). You can use the Document Map tool to assist you in this component.

Task 3.23 TOC

Add a table of contents to the document (on the ToC page you earlier created), but format the ToC to show only those objects formatted as Heading 2 and have them display in the ToC as ToC level 2.

Task 3.24 Save and Post

Save and post document to Sakai Assignments Task 03 Document Markup :






