Information Architecture
Watch these to prepare yourselves for the session
Information in video form
Explaining IA
explaining information architecture from Dan Klyn on Vimeo.

Information in text form
Morville, P., Rosenfeld, L., & Rosenfeld, L..
Chapter 3: User Needs and Behavior, 30-38,
in Information Architecture for the World Wide Web.
3rd ed. Sebastopol, California: O'Reilly, 2006.
Questions to consider
Some additional thoughts and techniques that illustrate the topic
a relevant article from the Nielsen Norman Group
Card Sorting: Pushing Users Beyond Terminology Matches - Card sorting: a definitive guide by Donna Spencer April 7th, 2004 in Boxes and Arrows
Optional items which you may wish to investigate
Hudson, William
Card Sorting Part 1: Preparing Paper Sorts
Card Sorting Part 2: Basic Analysis (Paper and Online Sorts)
Some tools
- Card-sorting Tools
- How-To Article on UX Design Tools: Card Sorting & Tree Testing
- Card Sorting
- Tree Testing
- Treejack
- Optimal Sort - a tool