What is Information Science?
It isn't a localized effort.
That was done by a student. Look at this one and see if you can decide who did it. Ignore the spelling error (tell me if you notice it).
But there's a bit more to think about.
Read these before class and be ready to discuss them in class
- Read over the Wikipedia article on the topic.
Look at:
Zins, C. (January 01, 2007). Knowledge Map of Information Science. Journal- American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58, 4, 526-535.
PDF version
Don't read it in detail, but do study Figure 2 on page 529.

You might also want to look over this one
Saracevic, T.(2010). Information science. In M.J. Bates (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences (3rd edition) New York, NY: CRC Press.
look at pages 2570-2577 for today. We'll come back to it again.
We'll begin our approach to the topic by checking where we begin in our understanding. You all will answer a set of multiple choice questions to see what we already know, and some of you all will take it again during the Capstone class.