Introduction to INLS161-001

Introduce ourselves
who we are
- by what name do we want to be known
- from where do we come
- what we hope to gain from this class
Review syllabus and schedule
to understand the expectations for the class
discuss how we will do each daily session
expect the notes pages for each session to be posted no later than the week prior to the scheduled date for the session. The notes will be my outline of topics we will discuss during the session and will include links to supporting readings.
Discuss the Honor Code
what we expect of each other
Look at your Tasks
be prepared to discuss items you see in these newsletters with us all each class session
your starters will be a component of your value added to class experience grade
each Task will be a sub-component of one of your six major tasks for the semester.
for task 01, you will complete the first few Tasks by sending me an email. This will not necessarily be the model for Tasks beyond Task 01.02.