Thinking about the reasons and theory of data visualization

The history of data visualization is not extremely long. There are a few names to know and things to think about.

Visualization of data has a relatively short history (The Golden Age of Visualisation by Juan C. Dürsteler, Inf@Vis), but the addition of more powerful computing and newer programs has given us the opportunity to display data in ways that are enlightening (Visualisation in the 20th century by Juan C. Dürsteler, Inf@Vis).

The tool, however can be misused, either by intent or by ignorance

How to Lie with Statistics and The Best and Worst of Statistical Graphics by Michael Friendly at York University, Canada


slides for session 14 - data display

Some names to know


Some additional thoughts on data display

Data can be displayed in good and bad ways

Scholars at York University in Canada have put together a useful gallery of good methods of display and also of ideas to avoid

You have a lot of good examples to study for inspiration and emulation.


Does it matter?

Lessons for data analysts from the Challenger disaster tells us good data display could be a life or death issue.

Let's re-iterate our points again.

Dilbert cartoon from 07 March 2009


creating graphical data displays | thoughts about data display | next session