⑥ ⇒ presentations
Be heard by being seen; effective presentations

This task will be turned in at the final exam time, Thursday, 13 Dec 2012 at 1200-1500.
A very professional self-running presentation
Everything in this task is something we will have demonstrated and/or tried in class.
Your task this time is to create a self-running presentation for a special set of clients - yourselves, your instructor, your peers. You may use this opportunity to create a presentation that both displays expertise with presentation tools and is a tool to convey a message to an audience of your peers.
You may use any presentation tool you prefer for this task, but not all of them can do all that the task calls for. If you choose to use PowerPoint, you have all the components you need. If you choose to use something else, be sure it can do everything that is needed.
Remember, no matter what platform you use for your presentation, it will be viewed in on a Windows laptop. Don't be in for an unhappy surprise when something that works on your laptop does not work on my laptop.
The topic of your presentation has two components
- do a critique of this class - what did it cover, what was good about it, what could be done better. Be critical and make recommendations. I will take the comments to heart and put them into effect where possible, but your grade on this task and this course will be based solely on how well you meet the specification on the specs sheet.
- comment on the utility of one or both of the newsletters I had you subscribe to - talk about the newsletter, the authors, the topics they focus on, and on how useful the subscription turned out to be for you
You may work alone or in teams. If you choose to work as a team, I need to hear the voices of all the team members in the slide narrations.
Your goal is to create a single presentation that simultaneously satisfies two objectives:
- it will be a self-running presentation that incorporates slide timing and your narration
- this presentation will run automatically just as if you were delivering the presentation live
- I will see the slides, hear your narration, and observe images and objects in the order and timing you wish them to appear
- I will use this version to decide on the points for Esthetics
- but the presentation should be created as if you were, in fact, going to present it live
- it should be set up with delivery tools, in particular with on-screen navigation tools, so that you could present it and have total control over how it would run
- we will cover this requirement in more detail during the delivery session
- I will use your design to decide on the points for Formatting Decisions
You may create this presentation alone or you may work in teams of your own selection. When you or your team has completed the task, you or one member of a team will store it in a single password protected directory. Each of the members of the team will place a hyperlink to it on their respective web sites (the individual storing it will have a relative link to it, the others will have absolute links to the finished task). When it's ready for me to download and grade, send me a note telling me to retrieve it from your websites.
The saved presentation will include both the visuals and any accompanying sound files.
Use this gradesheet for guidance and I will post examples that should provide some visual guidance for the task components.