Subtask 01.03: Install an FTP client
Install an FTP client on your personal laptop. Use the client that is best for your client's operating system.
If you are using Windows, use UNC Shareware to obtain SSH Secure Shell Client.
If you are using Mac, look at these full instructions.
If you are using Linux, use any free client that you prefer.
After you have downloaded and installed it, take a screenshot of your programs files to show me that you have it. But hold on to the image. You will use the FTP tool to store the image in the directory you will create in subtask 01.04. This will require you to paste the screenshot into some application that you can manage it. This example is an image of my desktop at school, trimmed a bit to fit.

If you plan to FTP files to and from other SILS servers, you might also want to add the Secure CRT FTP client to your suite of Windows FTP tools, but this is not a requirement for subtask 01.03.