Subtask 01.01

We'll use the blog to communicate with each other throughout the course.
Join and contribute to the class blog
I will use the email address on my class list to invite you to join the class blog. You will have to respond to the invitation. If you wish to use another email address to join the blog, send me a note with the preferred email address and I will invite you using that new address.
You may join the blog more than once, using different email addresses.
You will also need to tell me the pen name you will be using on the blog (if you chose to use one).
Subscribe to the class blog
You will want to be made aware of changes to the blog, so subscribe to postings and comments using the tools on the blog. You may also wish to have the blog send you an email each time there is a change.
You have three options. You may choose any or all, but if you choose not to have an email sent to you, do subscribe to the postings and comments options.
Create your first blog posting
Your initial posting should be a repeat of what we did in class today. Include it it at least the following:
- your name and the name you prefer to be called
- your hometown
- your class
- your major
- what you hope to get out of this class
Of course, you may add anything else that you wish.
Start the habit, right now, of always using the same label (or tag) for each of your posts. Create something that identifies the posting as your posting, so I can seach by labels in order to credit you with your work.
Of course, you may add any additional descriptive label that you wish.