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About This Page

This website provides interactive growth chart visualizations showing statistics for the spread of COVID-19 over time. Charts are provided for both confirmed cases and deaths, counted by country (for global data) or by state (within the United States).

Data for these charts is sourced from projects on the web which are aggregating statistics in various ways. World statistics are from Johns Hopkins as posted in their github repository. Data for the United States and North Carolina pages are obtained from USAFacts.org. The data sometimes come from scraping official sites, manual data entry, or other unreliable methods. Please consider the uncertain nature of the data you are viewing when looking at this website's charts. In addition, even "accurate" data has significant limitations that depend on local reporting practices, political influence around the world, widely variable availability of COVID-19 tests as well as testing criteria. In summary, readers should be skeptical consumers of data. Links are provided with each chart to the source data that is used to produce the graphics.

Ready to begin? Please use the menu bar at the top of this page to select a growth chart that you would like to see.

This project is available as open source via the VACLab GitHub repository.