INLS161-001 Spring 2025

Tools for Information Literacy



The question is not whether the University can discipline you,
but whether you can discipline yourselves.

Edward Kidder Graham, UNC President, 1914-1918


What it means to us

Faculty and students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill adhere to their Code of Student Conduct.

We can learn much from each other and we will do that. I expect each of you to help each other.

We'll discuss what we expect in terms of cooperative, collaborative, shared work and our honor.

Code of Conduct

Academic integrity is at the heart of Carolina and we all are responsible for upholding the ideals of honor and integrity. Student Conduct is responsible for adjudicating any suspected violations of the Student Code of Conduct and all suspected instances of academic dishonesty will be referred to Student Conduct. Information, including your responsibilities as a student, is outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and accompanying Student Conduct Procedures. Your full participation and observance of the Student Code are expected.

It shall be the further responsibility of every student to abide by the philosophy of the code; namely, to conduct oneself so as not to impair significantly the welfare or the educational opportunities of others in the University community.

Faculty Responsibilities

I have a role to play as well, and I will fulfill these responsibilities.

The system rests on several central tenets:

The university community, including faculty and students, share a commitment to the pursuit of truth, and the dissemination of knowledge to succeeding generations of citizens devoted to the high ideals of personal honor and respect for the rights of others.

These goals can only be achieved in a setting in which intellectual honesty and personal integrity are highly valued; other individuals are trusted, respected, and fairly treated; and the responsibility for articulating and maintaining high standards is widely shared.

Both students and faculty must play active roles in fostering a culture in which honor is prized and acting to remedy violations of community norms relating to academic misconduct, injuries to members of the University community, and conduct that adversely affect University operations and resources.

The principles of academic honesty, integrity, and responsible citizenship govern the performance of all academic work and student conduct at the University as they have during the long life of this institution.

Your acceptance of enrollment in the University presupposes a commitment to the principles embodied in the Code of Student Conduct and a respect for the most significant Carolina tradition.

Your reward is in the practice of these principles.

Your participation in this course comes with the expectation that your work will be completed in full observance of the Code of Conduct.

You are encouraged to work together with your fellow students and to share knowledge and learning.

However, academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable, because any breach in academic integrity, however small, strikes destructively at the University's life and work.

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