INLS161-001 Spring 2025

Tools for Information Literacy

What to prepare to do

We will use PowerPoint as the tool for this task,
and the resultant presentation needs to be capable of running independently without you.

Layout - worth 23% of total grade

Task Condition
Templates or themes Include a minimum of 8 slides
Use a design template or a theme and explain in the notes why you selected it
If you choose Prezi, embed such discussion deeply into each visual so that we can dive in to see it, but that it won't disrupt the flow of your presentation
Use the default bullet format for ONLY the overview and summary slides. Every other slide in the presentation should use a format other than the default slide format. If you succumb to using bullet slides, you will lose 5 (percentage) points from the final (percentage) grade for each one.
Master Slides You will modify the top level master slide to include an automatically updated date as a footer component. If Prezi, put a date somewhere in the visual field
Organization Include an overview slide that lays out where your presentation is going to go.
You may use a bullet slide format if you wish.
Include a summary slide that wraps up your presentation with the message you want the audience to go away remembering.
Here too you may use a bullet slide format if you wish.
Tool control At least one slide should have a different background from the rest of the slides (it could be the hidden slide).


Using your overview slide as a guide, include some sort of visible navigation device throughout the presentation so the viewers understand where they are in the presentation.

This is OPTIONAL but is a good thing to do. If you don't use this device, make sure you keep your slides organized in some fashion.

Format & Design - worth 22% of total grade

Task Condition
Illustrate your points Use images or pictures as the primary focus of slides in your presentation.
Use a design template or a theme and explain in the notes why you selected it
You may wish to incorporate screen shots on some slides.
At least one of the images you use should come from the Web somewhere (and should include due credit for where you found it, either on the slide or in the notes section).
Add text and/or graphics to at least one of the pictures (i.e., add some explanatory text to a picture using a text box or a similar device).
Control of animation tool Demonstrate facility with custom animation by making objects appear on command.
Demonstrate facility with custom animation by making objects disappear on command.

Control of tools - worth 30% of total grade

Task Condition
Transitions Have at least one visual slide transition device
Hiding slides Hide at least one slide.
Have a way to get to the hidden slide and back to the presentation from the hidden slide.
Linking Link at least one object to something outside of the presentation.
Narration and timing Add narration to the presentation.
Introduce each slide with the words you would use were you to present it live.
This will also require you to time your presentation so that it will run unattended.

If any of the required components would disturb the look or feel of your presentation, put them on hidden slides and use the notes to explain that you used these hidden slides solely to demonstrate your skill with a particular tool.

Esthetics and design decisions - worth 30% of total grade

Task Condition
Esthetics The slide show is a well-organized, logically-connected presentation of a topic
The formatting from slide to slide is consistent.
The slides are easy to read and presentation friendly.
The viewer knows where he or she is in the presentation during the presentation.
Formatting Decisions Use the speaker's notes feature to discuss the creative decisions that you used to decide on the features to use on the slides in the presentation.
The discussion needs to be as long as necessary to convey your thoughts and you need not feel compelled to go into detail, unless you feel it necessary.
This will be a subjective judgement on my part on how well your explanations indicate that you understand the PowerPoint tools you are using.
You don't have to comment on each slide, but you do need to let me know that you have thought about what you did on your slides.
Judgments This will be a subjective judgement on the part of the viewer of the presentation
70-79% of total esthetics and design decisions points for a presentation adjudged as competent
80-89% of total esthetics and design decisions points for a presentation adjudged as good
90-94% of total esthetics and design decisions points for a presentation adjudged as excellent
95+% of total esthetics and design decisions points for a presentation adjudged as something new

The above is what is on the gradesheet, but if you want to use a gradesheet, you may find it at this Canvas location

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