INLS161-001 Spring 2025

Tools for Information Literacy

Create a chart that compares multiple data sets by states and territories

to show comparisons

Why we do this What we are to do
to prepare the data using the data on the 16-Chart 02 worksheet
select the values in columns E, G, I, K, M, O, Q, and S
You may find it useful to hide the columns you are not going to select, to see only column A plus these eight columns
to create a chart that compares multiple data sets by category create a chart that compares these values to the categories in column A.
Do not include the totals on row 57.
You may use the chart wizard, but do not use the defaults.
We want to see the relative amount of each category of values in each state, so this will be a stacked chart of some type. Place the chart on a separate worksheet
(this means the chart stands alone on a worksheet and does not float above a grid of cells on a worksheet)
named 16-Veterans.
Use any appropriate chart style that pleases you, but again here, do not settle for the defaults.
Customize the chart in some fashion.
to demonstrate facility with the chart formatting tools Make it very clear in the formatting which values are which.
If you use a legend, be sure to have the legend pull its name from the appropriate cell in the worksheet.
Format your axes and axes labels so that the viewer is in no doubt about what is being depicted.
If the data format is self-explanatory, you may not need a label for an axis.
to bring attention to something in the chart using a your understanding of formatting data labels Use the data label formatting tools to point out the state who has the highest number of Asian, non-Hispanic veterans
to demonstrate facility with the chart formatting tools If you use a legend, put it at the top of the chart and it may overlap the data, but should not cover any important things that need to be seen.

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