INLS161-001 Spring 2025

Tools for Information Literacy


What, then, is an index?

A Table of Contents enables the reader to navigate to certain sections. A well-constructed index will help the reader to locate all information about a specific topic within that document, by providing a detailed listing of the topics within the document.

An index is often not required, nor needed. But for when a document needs, and could benefit from one, knowing how to create one is useful.

  • As we just discussed, the table of contents tool
    looks for the heading markup
    to understand what to find in the document for the table of contents.
  • The index tool, on the other hand,
    needs you to mark the words or phrases in the document
    that you want the index tool to find.

This is easier than it might seem, but it requires a bit of understanding of the other tools available to you in the program.

Again, Tech Republic has a pretty good discussion of how to do this, but we will get some hands on experience in our recitation sessions.

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