a means of connecting documents by text links
a language that uses elements, attributes, and values (markup) to construct and link (hypertext) documents
for easy access and display
a customizable markup language
Hyper text
a reformulation of HTML 4 as an XML 1.0 application.
Hyper text
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript combined to create dynamic (as opposed to static) pages
the mother language from which HTML, XHTML, and XML were created
a container that specifies the nature, formatting, or function of a portion of a
Examples might include:
Tag - signifies the opening and closing of an element.
These tags signify the opening and closing of a table:
lists a characteristic of a particular element.
In this case,
it lists the characteristic of a border for the table:
Value modifies the attribute in which it occurs.
In this case,
it is modifying the border attribute:
<table border="3">
Empty element -
an element that has no content and is written as a single tag,
such as
Block element
always starts on a new line, and the browsers automatically add some space (a margin) before and after the element.
Paragraph <p>,
Heading 1 <h1>, and
Div <div> are block elements
Inline element
displays inline and does not generate a line break.
Examples include
<strong> for bold and
<em> for italics
Proprietary element
is an element not part of the official HTML recommendation and often it is
supported only by the browser for which it was developed.
An example would be Netscape's
<blink> element
Deprecated element or attribute is an element or attribute that is being phased out of HTML and therefore eventually will not be supported by browsers
Nesting is the practice of placing elements inside one another (as opposed to overlapping them). Nesting is the correct syntax for HTML.
Overlapping is incorrect and can cause problems with your web page.
User agent is the means (e.g., a Web browser) by which one accesses an HTML document.
Client-side describes anything that is done on the user's computer
Server-side describes anything that is done on the Web server
CGI, or Common Gateway Interface is a standard method for web server software to delegate the generation of web content to executable files.
Script is a portion of programming code that can function in a Web page or on the server, but not as a stand-alone program
Applet is a small program that can be embedded in a Web page
Well-formed document is one that uses correct HTML or XHTML syntax
Valid document is one that conforms to a particular DTD (Document Type Definition)
Document Type Definition, or DTD is a standard that identifies the elements, attributes, and values that comprise HTML, XHTML, XML, or any other language created with SGML.
W3C is the World Wide Web Consortium, the group responsible for establishing standards for the World Wide Web
for task 02a, you will need to validate your HTML code using the W3C Markup Validation Service
for task 02b, you may wish to validate your CSS using the W3C CSS Validation Service
Copyright © R.E. Bergquist 2014-2025 | Last Updated on Sunday, 23 February 2025 | Powered by w3.css