INLS161-001 Spring 2025

Tools for Information Literacy

Client-server computing

Client-server computing - the basis of much of what we will be doing
We want to be sure we grasp the relationship of clients to servers,
and have a shared vocabulary of terms.

Client-server computing

... is the interaction between two programs when they communicate across a network. A program at one site sends a request to a program at another site and awaits a response.

The requesting program is the client.

Assuming we are using our laptops as a client, we might want to know how laptops work.

The program satisfying the request is the server.

For example, SILS has a number of servers, for a number of purposes (as of 20 Dec 2024).

Internet Protocol (IP) Address Name specific function Carolina Health Informatics Program website Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life website website course database server course database server Equity in Making (EITM) Lab web server web server courses, student projects web, DB server research server print server, admin tools Center on Technology Policy website research server research server

Assuming we want to retrieve something from a server over the web, we might want to know how web servers work.

client-server interaction is the basis of distributed computing

baseline understandings about the tools we will be using


Mac vs. Windows: Which Is Right for You?

It's good to be cognizant of the relationship of memory to storage, and the specific meaning of each term.
For example, what is RAM? (in more detail)

What are operating systems? We are familiar with Windows and Apple on our clients, but Linux and Android are starting to become challengers.
Wikipedia lists lots and lots of operating systems.

What does open source mean?

Learn how to use the screen capture tool

PC keyboard with the PRTSC key highlighted

If you want to capture the entire screen, press the Print Screen button and an image of the screen will be saved to your clipboard.

a complete print screen capture

If you want to capture the active window, press the ALT button + the Print Screen button and an image of the active window screen will be saved to your clipboard.

If you want to capture a part of the screen, and you use Windows 10 or 11, press “Windows + Shift + S”. Your screen will appear grayed out and your mouse cursor will change. Click and drag on your screen to select the part of your screen you want to capture. A screenshot of the screen region you selected will be copied to your clipboard. You can paste it in any application by selecting Edit > Paste or pressing Ctrl + V, just as you'd paste a full-screen shortcut taken with the Print Screen key.

keyboard shortcut to snip a part of a Win10 screen

If you use a Mac, there are several keyboard combinations that can be used to take screenshots in Mac OS X

an active window print screen capture tool on Macs

Mac users

The lecturer will use a Windows OS laptop most of the time. On occasion, the interface in Windows will not match the interface in a Mac. While we will try to have examples for all operating systems, it will be useful if, when you find that the Mac view is different, that you take a screenshot of the Mac environment and send it to the instructor. The instructor will ensure that the Mac screenshot is integrated into the class pages pertaining to the situation in which the screenshot was taken.

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