ISSUE @ UNC Chapel Hill
Information Science Student Undergraduates Empowered

Welcome to the official ISSUE site
Information Science Student Undergraduates Empowered (ISSUE) is a student organization at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill which has been founded for the purpose of promoting the education of undergraduate information science students.
Our objectives are to do the following things:
- To foster communication between undergraduates, graduate students, staff and faculty
- To help acclimate undergraduates into the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) community
- To perform community service including but not limited to activities dealing with computers/information science
- To educate the greater University community about information science and technologies so as to build public awareness
- To expose undergraduates to internship opportunities, guest speakers, current information science literature, and innovative technologies
- To represent the interests of undergraduate information science students
In order to fulfill our goals and objectives we will utilize our personal connections/knowledge, the connections/knowledge of the faculty, and the resources provided by the university.
Membership is extended to all undergraduates that have an interest in the School of Information and Library Science undergraduate major/minor and current undergraduate students within the School of Information and Library Science.
Full membership in the group and access to full participation is available without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender. A majority of the organization's membership shall always be UNC-CH students.