Year-Round Public Schools

Palmer, Elisabeth A. and Amy E. Berris. Year-Round Education. 1999.
A scholarly literature review.

Wake County uses a 45-15 calendar in its year-round schools. Four 9-week terms are separated by 3-week vacations, or “intersessions.” 45 instructional days are followed by 15 vacation days. Wake County uses a multi- track system with 4 tracks for its year-round schools. Multi-track means that groups of students (4 in Wake County) are on different schedules. At any given time, 3 tracks are in school, and one is “tracked out” which means, on vacation. Some vacation time, national holidays, is shared by all tracks. This calendar allows more students to use a facility, reducing over-crowding.

Adams Elementary
Durant Road Elementary
Green Elementary
Heritage Elementary
Morrisville Elementary
Oak Grove Elementary
Timber Drive Elementary
West Lake Elementary
Wilburn Elementary



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