©: Evelyn Daniel,
Page revised 7/5/99.



Background Information

This section of the proposal explains how the project will be conducted. Concern in this section is with sequence and flow, the interrelationships of activities and planned staffing, including the project director. This is the step-by-step plan in logical and chronological sequence -- from general to detailed, from simple to complex. In this section you must spell out:

Consideration of the five elements listed below will assist in presenting a description that is both comprehensive and concise.

  1. Overview

    The overview provides a lead-in to the implementation section with important preliminary information that will assist in understanding the specifics that follow. Some of the elements that might be included include the philosophy, organizational mission/vision, the logic of the method to be used, plus any unique features of the project.

  2. Major Events

    This section identifies what must happen to achieve the goal(s) and objective(s) of the project. It includes actions, work, services, tasks and/or activities. Each major event should be specified in order to facilitate both the description and management of the project.

  3. Personnel

    Everyone who provides services or performs tasks should be identified and the function(s) they will perform described in the implementation plan. This includes the staff, any consultants or contract services, volunteers, and other organizations (if it is a collaborative project).

    Brief job descriptions of the project director as well as other key personnel should be developed and included. If the personnel are on the payroll already or consultants already identified, include their vitae in an appendix. Otherwise, provide minimum qualifications and/or background required. Call a placement agency to get an estimate of salary if needed.

  4. Methods

    The methods section describes how the events will be carried out. It may include process, means and techniques, as well as supplies, facilities and equipment needed. Example: If a major event is the provision of transportation services, the specifics of how that will occur should be described.

  5. Time Frames and Milestones

    Time frames express periods, dates, or deadlines that are related to the accomplishment of the project events. They are important for the planning and managing of the project. The time frame may include specific dates, schedules, phases and/or sequences. One or more milestones or progress indicators should be included for each event.

    It is useful to include a time and task chart or Gantt chart, or another kind of milestone chart to show graphically the schedule of events and times at which accountable, concrete indicators will occur.