Evelyn Daniel,
Page revised 7/25/2001.



Summer 2001

Assignment Due: July 18.

Preparation. Please read Chapter 17 of Miner et al, "Grant Review and Funding Decisions" (also check out the NEH Proposal Evaluation Criteria (given in Exhibit 22, p. 31).

Revised Assignment. Although you may do the assignment below and some of you have, I proposed an alternative to this assignment in the audio session of July 11. Please see Reviewer Comment -- revised assignment for the alternative.

Overview. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment for all students. You are asked to critique the first part of the proposal of one of your colleagues and to provide some useful suggestions to strengthen the proposal. It may be useful to you to use an Evaluation Rating Form similar to those used by funding agencies. The Form suggests a point value for each of seven criteria and allows the reviewer the opportunity to add a few comments supporting the rating on each criterion. Note: Not all funding agencies use a point distribution system but many do. Some share the point distribution allocation with prospective grantees; others do not. (It never hurts to ask for reviewer comments)

For this exercise, I have created a Modified Evaluative Rating Form to use that I hope will be easy and fun for you to complete.

Section of Proposal to Evaluate. Your task will be to review the partial product of one of the teams. The partial product will include the organizational description, the need or problem statement, the goals and objectives, the evaluation plan (and the dissemination plan if required). If you are enrolled for 1/2 credit, your task will be to review and evaluate the work of a 1 credit team and vice versa. I may make specific assignments.

Submission. The submission should be automatic from the form. I'll send you an email acknowledgement so you know I've received it. I will pass on the reviewer information to the project owner(s) without the name of the reviewer (unless given permssion).