General Net Etiquette
Student Files
Uploading Files

Student Files

All students in the class are required to submit their assignments via web pages in the WebCT encironment. In order to do this, you must first create an index page that will act as your directory for submission of all your course assignments. You may wish to create the page(s) directly in the file space provided or you may upload files that you have created elsewhere. If you plan to upload files, read the help topic “Uploading Files.” for further information. To begin, you can use a text processor or html editor (e.g., Cold Fusion) to create a simple ASCII file named “index.html.”. An example is provided for Guest in the Student Files listing. Below is the html code for the page: My index page

Here's my index page!

Here's my first reading commentary

Here's my second.

Here's my first teaching assignment. It's a lesson plan.

And this is my project for the class. It's a plan for user education for a specified environment.

As an example there are two other files created within WebCT: commentary1.html and commentary2.html. The other two referenced files: portfolio1.html was created in Cold Fusion and uploaded to WebCT. The file, project.html, will be created in class as an example.

Evelyn Daniel