INLS161-001 Spring 2024

Tools for Information Literacy

Thoughts to consider when presenting

Think about what you want to do,
think about how people react to visual stimuli,
think about how you manage your and their time.

Basic & Theoretical Considerations

Dilbert strip, 03 April 2007

Doing the presentation

Try out your presentation in advance

The eye can see and understand concepts very quickly.
The quicker your presentation can get in,
make a positive impression,
and get out,
the better off you will be.

Key principles to consider

  • focus on the audience's needs
  • and build your visuals to conform to their expectations
  • and for your message
simple and effective is preferable to complex and confusing

Rules to live by

Hammer it home

  • tell them what you're going to tell the
  • tell them
  • tell them what you told them

Less is More

Dilbert cartoon from 03 Mar 2009

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