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Variables and Statements

Learning Goals

Preparation for class:

  1. Look over this Google Sheet on Binary Numbers. I will explain it in class or will do a video explanation before class if I have time.
  2. Review Think Python Chapter 1 Programming as a Way of Thinking from last week.
  3. Read Chapter 2 Python Crash Course, Variables and Simple Data Types
  4. The primary goal for this class will be practicing coding. A lot. I will introduce some "beginner" coding examples that may not be covered in the readings, just to prime you for the complexity that will be coming very soon.
  5. Review the highlighted Computer Basics file I posted in Canvas.

Python Interpreter

We did a little bit of a demo with the interpreter last week. We will demo it some more, but we will mostly practice in Visual Studio Code in this session.

We will spend a lot more time with the Basics Code Samples in the site sidebar, and try to code up unique and personal micro-programs.

python command line

# Items we will do on Command Line Interface (CLI)

mac: open an terminal if you are on a mac and enter python3
Windows: open Python app and you will be ready to go


Pseudocode: informal language that is not meant to be compiled or executed

print hello world!

enter 8 + 4 to use the interpreter as a calculator

enter 8 / 0 to intentionally make an error

enter 8 / 3 to get a decimal number (float)

enter 5 // 2 to get a truncated remainder

enter: help() ----> will put you in help> utility

enter: keywords
enter: quit to leave help

enter help('keywords') for quick help on a topic and stay out of help> utility

help(keywords) will throw an error if you leave out quotation marks