Learning Goals
Preparation for class:
Look over the slide show and take a look at 100 seconds of HTML. Also see Assignnment 06 page. There is a slideshow and code there.
Some experiments with chatGPT on your assignments:
Regular expression looking for items with periods.
#Import the regular expression module.
import re
films = ['hellraiser', 'it', 'nightmare on elm street', 'c.h.u.d.',
'alien', 'nosferatu', 'halloween', 'jaws', 'e.t.', 'poltergeist']
intro_line = 'here is a list of fun movies to watch this Halloween season:'
# Print the intro line capitalized
# Regex pattern to match titles with periods so that they will be capitalized.
pattern = r'\.' # the . must be escaped.
for movie in films:
if re.search(pattern, movie):
Looking for a letter...
import re
animals = ['monkey', 'dog', 'raccoon', 'cat']
pattern = r'o'
for animal in animals:
if re.search(pattern, animal):
print(f'{animal.upper()} contains the pattern {pattern}')
print(f'The pattern "{pattern}" is not in item {(animals.index(animal))}.')
Dictionary Phone numbers and count and percentage.
import re
# Dictionary of random names and phone numbers
contacts = {
'Smith, John': '919-555-1234',
'Doe, Jane': '919-555-5678',
'Johnson, Emily': '919-555-8765',
'Brown, Michael': '919-555-4321',
'Wilson, Sarah': '919-555-9999',
'Taylor, David': '202-555-0123',
'Anderson, Linda': '303-555-9876',
'Thomas, Chris': '404-555-3456',
'Jackson, Karen': '512-555-2345',
'White, Daniel': '718-555-6543',
'Harris, Patricia': '213-555-7890',
'Martin, Robert': '415-555-1122',
'Thompson, Michelle': '214-555-9988',
'Garcia, James': '305-555-6655',
'Martinez, Laura': '602-555-4433',
pattern = r'919'
count_919 = 0
count_non_919 = 0
for name, phone in contacts.items():
if re.search(pattern, phone):
print(f'{name} with phone {phone} contains the pattern {pattern}')
count_919 += 1
print(f'The pattern "{pattern}" is not in the phone number for {name}.')
count_non_919 += 1
# Calculate the total and percentage
total_contacts = len(contacts)
percentage_919 = (count_919 / total_contacts) * 100 if total_contacts > 0 else 0
print(f'\nTotal count of non-919 phone numbers: {count_non_919}')
print(f'Total count of 919 phone numbers: {count_919}')
print(f'Percentage of 919 phone numbers: {percentage_919:.2f}%')