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If-else statement math comparison

Overtime Example

# Variables to represent the base hours and
# the overtime multiplier.
BASE_HOURS = 40 # Base hours per week
OT_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 # Overtime multiplier

# Get the hours worked and the hourly pay rate.
hours = float(input('Enter the number of hours worked: '))
pay_rate = float(input('Enter the hourly pay rate: '))

# Calculate and display the gross pay.
if hours > BASE_HOURS:
# Calculate the gross pay with overtime.
# First, get the number of overtime hours worked.
overtime_hours = hours - BASE_HOURS

# Calculate the amount of overtime pay.
overtime_pay = overtime_hours * pay_rate * OT_MULTIPLIER

# Calculate the gross pay.
gross_pay = BASE_HOURS * pay_rate + overtime_pay
# Calculate the gross pay without overtime.
gross_pay = hours * pay_rate

# Display the gross pay.
print(f'The gross pay is ${gross_pay:,.2f}.')