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F-string Currency

ChatGPT prompt:

format 34.6745 in python using f-string format.

Explain all steps.

Certainly! To format the number 34.6745 in Python using an f-string, you can follow these steps:

amount = 34.6745  # The number you want to format
formatted_amount = f"${amount:.2f}" # Using an f-string to format the number
print(formatted_amount) # Printing the formatted amount

Now, let's break down each step:

  1. amount = 34.6745: This line defines a variable called amount and assigns the value 34.6745 to it. This is the numeric value you want to format.

  2. formatted_amount = f"${amount:.2f}": In this line, you create a new variable called formatted_amount using an f-string. Let's break down the f-string expression "${amount:.2f}":

    • f": This marks the start of an f-string.

    • "${amount:.2f}": Inside the f-string, you have a placeholder enclosed within curly braces {}.

      • $: This is a dollar sign that is included as a literal character in the output.

      • {amount:.2f}: This is the placeholder for the value of amount. The colon : is used to specify formatting options for the variable being inserted.

        • amount: This is the variable that contains the numeric value 34.6745.

        • :.2f: This is the format specifier. It tells Python to format the value as a floating-point number with two decimal places (.2f stands for "floating-point with 2 decimal places").

    As a result, the f-string "${amount:.2f}" combines the dollar sign and the formatted number 34.6745 with two decimal places, resulting in the string "$34.67".

  3. print(formatted_amount): Finally, this line prints the formatted amount to the console.

So, when you run this code, you'll see the output:


It's the original number 34.6745 formatted as a dollar amount with two decimal places.