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Final Student Presentations

Attending the online Zoom exam for the remote synchronous Session is Optional

It is great way to really solidify your presentation skills and learn from your peers in real-time. However you may decide to do the asynchronous option as detailed below.

Synchronous Zoom Option

I will have one scheduled live session for both recitations.

According to the UNC Registrar, Final exams for RA (remote asynchronous) classes are at the discretion of the instructor. I have decided to offer this session as is detailed in the green box below:

Remote Synchronous Exam

Friday December 6, 12:00 p.m.

You must submit your final presentation, with recording, by 11:45 a.m. on Friday, December 6 so we can view them.

It would be better to get them in the evening before, if possible.

Zoom Link

If you are able to attend, it will be a valuable experience as you will be able to get and give feedback on your presentation. Personally, I have been extrodinarily impressed with very many of the hundreds of presentations that I have viewed over the last eight years of teaching INLS 161. This also allows you to wrap up your presentation early and you will will finish the course early.

Asynchronous Assignment Requirements

If you choose not to attend the Zoom Session, you may complete a quiz embedded in a Panopto video. This will be a simulation of what you would experience in a live presentation.

Your presentation must be submitted by the due date in Canvas which is Dec 13 at 11:59pm. This is true of your quiz also: it must be completed by Dec 13 at 11:59. I would encourage you to submit your Presenatation and Quiz early as possible so you can put the requirements behind you! The questions will be easy, and you are authorized to consult the class materials for help if needed.

I have enjoyed having you all in this session and I hope you have some time to unwind before starting back to school this spring. For those of you wrapping up your time at UNC, I wish you much success as you move on to the next thing.