Task 03 is to transform, through skilful formatting,
a basic text version of a downloaded text file
into one created to be capable of being saved as a UNC thesis,
ready to be saved to the Carolina Digital Repository.
You will be provided with a basic, plain text, manuscript. Your task is to transform, through skilful formatting, this basic text into a formatted document, such that it would be capable of being saved as a UNC thesis, ready to be saved to the Carolina Digital Repository.
You have the text of the document
your task is to format objects and styles
and then changing the formatting of the text to your new formats and styles.
Additionally, you will save a second copy of the "thesis" so that it may be sent to printers in a different country.
Create formats so that the document may be saved for binding using standard pages sizes, and then create a second copy of it that may be saved for printing in a third country.
You may, if you choose to, do task 03 as a group project. These are some rules of thumb to follow for group work in INLS161.
Task 03 is worth 15% of your INLS161 grade, so this task will be worth 15 points in total. Each of the sub-elements is listed on the gradesheet.
The finished, fully formatted document will be stored as a .docx file in your Sakai assignments location for INLS161..
Save the finished product using the standard file name structure for this class.
An example of a standard file name might be johnson.pat.20230327.task03.markup.docx
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