The newsletters will keep you informed about key ideas we will discuss this semester.
Sign up for at least two newsletters and tell us which ones you subscribed to in your task 01.01 first forum posting.
Search Engine Watch : tips about internet search engines & search engine submission
FirstMonday : a peer-reviewed scholarly journal from the University of Illinois, Chicago
Scout Report: a publication of the Internet Scout Research Group, published every Friday both on the Web and by email subscription, it provides a way to stay informed of valuable STEM and humanities resources on the Internet.
How To Geek : an online technology magazine ... How-To Geek has been used as a resource for everything from university textbooks to late-night TV ... an independent company that remains wholly owned by its founders ... built without any outside investment or corporate ownership.
MyOnlineTrainingHub : a particularly good source of professional advice about how to the the most out of MS Excel
Treehugger : a Canadian "modern sustainability site that offers advice, clarity, and inspiration for both the eco-savvy and the green-living novice"
BBVA Open Mind : a newsletter put out by BBVA, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. Their goal is "to contribute to the generation and dissemination of knowledge about fundamental issues of our time, in an open and free way..."
Aeon Magazine : "Fine writing on philosophy, psychology, science, history and the arts" Click on the "newsletter" link
If you have others to recommend, add your recommendation to the task 01.01 forum posting.
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