What does "value added" mean in this class? It means several things


Five percent of the grade for this class will come from the name you select and the logo you create for the groups that you will populate in this class

component what it means
Task We will have formed groups for this semester. Your task is to select a name for your group and to create a logo to brand your group. We will refer to you all by your group names.
Condition Submit your group name and logo as an assignment response by the due date.
Standard This is an easy one. The task is worth 5% of the semester grade.
Do it and get full credit, don't do it and get no credit.


Second, it involves working as a group to review the major module topics

Five percent of the grade for this class will come from how your group manages and runs a class session

component what it means
Task Each group will have an opportunity to lead one of five sessions, each one a consideration of sessions that preceded it. The sessions you will lead will be noted in the class calendar.
Condition The group will lead the 75 minute class as they see fit. The class may involve presentations, discussions, activities, Q&A sessions, ... anything. It is up to the group to decide what to do and how to manage it.
Standard The task is worth 5% of the semester grade.
Nothing is ever perfect, so evidence of thoughtfulness, consideration, and imagination will earn full points.


Third, you will add continuing value you add to your peers' experience in this class, based on three things:

  1.  Attendance 
    You are expected to attend all classes and to be in the Zoom session before it starts. You should be ready to start on time. If you need to miss a class, let me know so we can expect that you won't be with us.
  2.  Deportment 
    Be courteous to your classmates. Use your information tools to support current class activities only. Pay attention. Try not to pursue other interests during the class session.
  3.  General Participation 
    Class participation consists of doing the following: being prepared for class, making observations about the readings, asking questions, taking notes, actively working on in-class exercises and actively listening. Everyone will get the chance to participate through:
    • Sharing of interesting items via the Canvas Discussion:
      The class Canvas discussions are there to allow us to discuss further things we discuss in class. But it is also a medium to explore other topics of interest to the group. If you have something you wish to share, share it on the Canvas Discussion (worth seven points) and see if there is any commentary (worth three points).
    • Generalized discussion:
      While much of class time will be taken up with lecture, there is always to the opportunity to share your thoughts in discussion. Such discussion might be a further exploration of your Sakai Forum posts, a back-and-forth about the topic of the day, or a standalone discussion about something you feel merits the time in class.
    • Starting a class session (worth five points):
      Everyone will have the opportunity to initiate each class session, starting with session 02
      1. one person will discuss what we watched
      2. one person will discuss what we read
      3. one person will discuss what we might have read - the optional readings
      4. one person will discuss the extra item for each session
      Expect to do this more than once during the semester. You will know which session will be yours by finding your name on a session announcement in the class calendar

These three components will account for the remaining 15% of your value added grade. (seven + three + five)

component what it means
Task In addition to classroom activities, you have an individual task
1. Sharing of interesting items via Canvas discussions (worth seven points)
2. Commenting on a colleague's forum posting (worth three points)
Condition 1. Since we all may not get an opportunity to present in class, you should plan to do at least one Canvas discussion posting every two weeks. That means you should have something that you feel would be interesting to your peers and post it at least once each four class sessions. We may discuss postings in class, if they generate interest.
2. Since each of you all will be making a number of postings, it should be easy for each individual to have something to say about at least one of their colleagues' postings.
Standard The task is worth 15% of the semester grade.


Grade What it means A description of what it means
14.25 or more
You have done a superlative job of adding to your peers' experience in this class You were engaged in class, with pertinent comments and/or questions;
you took the opportunity to comment on the Sakai Forum on topics of interest to you and, in your estimation, to your peers as well;
your review/preview presentations were organized, understandable, relevant, and professional;
and you took the opportunity to discuss a topic with your peers, in an organized, understandable, and professional manner.
14.10 to 14.23
A totally acceptable performance demonstrating an adequate level of adding to your peers' experience in this class. You were engaged in class, with pertinent comments and/or questions;
you occasionally took the opportunity to comment on the Sakai Forum, thus occasionally taking the opportunity to provide feedback and validation to your peers.
13.65 to 14.09
You were engaged in class, with pertinent comments and/or questions, but the quantity and/or quality of your engagement was not as high as hoped for;
you didn't take the opportunity to comment on the Sakai Forum, thus not providing feedback and validation to your peers.
12.90 to 13.64
You were engaged in class, but didn't have much to say, either in class or on the Sakai Forum.
12.30 to 12.89
Not as good as it could have been; but you didn't detract from your peers' opportunities.
11.85 to 12.29
A marginal performance You were disengaged in class, didn't have much to say, either in class or on the Sakai Forum.
11.40 to 11.84
You were disengaged in class, didn't have much to say, either in class or on the Sakai Forum;
your attentiveness to the topic of the day was inadequate and detracted from your peers' opportunity to concentrate.
10.80 to 11.39
You were disengaged in class, didn't have much of anything to say, either in class or on the Sakai Forum;
your attentiveness to the topic of the day was inadequate and detracted from your peers' opportunity to concentrate;
and, in general, a sense of negativity from you caused your peers to suffer.
10.35 to 10.79
You were disengaged in class, didn't have anything to say, either in class or on the Sakai Forum; your activities in the classroom detracted from your peers' opportunity to concentrate;
and you were active in your negativity.
9.00 to 10.34
Your presence was a negative factor in the classroom dynamic.
less than 9
For whatever reasons, an unacceptable performance If it's unacceptable, it is unacceptable; it should be as obvious to you as it is to the instructor

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