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Summer school moves very quickly! Summer School administration expects students to attend all synchronous classes. This is not an asynchronous class. During the fall and spring semesters there is more flexibility for INLS 161 students to adopt a HyFlex approach regarding attendance, but this is a poor strategy for summer classes.

  • I have set up this course so that students who attend class will be completely successful. This is confirmed over a four year career of teaching this class.

If you plan to attend all classes you can skip over all of these bullets. If you miss a class be sure to scan them.

  • If you cannot attend most of the classes, you will need excellent self-directed learning skills, and you will need to have significant prior tech experience. You will also not be able to receive the in-class value added grading items.

  • Therefore, you should try to make all classes. There are no shortcuts; you must come to class.

  • I will not be able to work one-one-one with you in office hours and compress the material anymore than it is delivered in the class recording.

  • So if you must miss class you should watch, or least scan over the captions in the the Panopto video before scheduling office hours. However, if you need general help, or help accessing the Panopto videos, then do reach out to me.