INLS385-001 Spring 2019


How do we, as individuals, make ethical decisions when we are members of an organization?

Think about yourselves as you listen to this

Our buggy moral code | Dan Ariely

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Is individual ethics a thing apart, or something that varies according to the situation?

Bond of Union by Maurits Escher
Some of history’s greatest philosophers, then, agree that wrongdoing tends to be motivated by self-interest. ... Although most assume that an immoral person is one who’s ready to defy law and convention to get what they want, I think the inverse is often true. Immorality is frequently motivated by a readiness to conform to law and convention in opposition to our own values. In these cases, it’s not that we care too little about others; it’s that we care too much. More specifically, we care too much about how we stack up in the eyes of others.

The desire to fit in is the root of almost all wrongdoing | Christopher Freiman

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You don't have to read these unless you wish to, but we might touch upon them in conversation

thinking about ethical decisions
  1. Read the blog posting on vaccines and values and think about the issues in the article in terms of individual ethical values in relation to the ethical values of the individual's organization
  2. Read the Making Ethical Decision: A Practical Model | John R. Schafer and ask yourselves if you agree with it, or if not, why not.
  3. Read the As I See It - Assault on Officership | John R. Schafer and ask yourselves if you agree with it, or if not, why not.

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things we'll talk about

slides for session 09

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