The subsequent session is a lab
If you don't feel confident with some of the tools, do the practice exercises on the previous page.
Doing the practice exercises is the best preparation for the document markup lab session.
20170112 | intro session
20170117 | clients
20170119 | servers
20170124 | networks
20170126 | basics lab
20170131 | structural layer
20170202 | presentational layer
20170207 | working with layers
20170209 | scripting
20170214 | XML
20170216 | images & design
20170221 | website lab
20170223 | object layers
20170228 | read markup
- graphics
- tools that read markup
- practice exercises
- next session
20170302 | markup lab
20170307 | formulas & functions
20170309 | data display
20170321 | database tools
20170323 | spreadsheets lab
20170328 | relational databases
20170330 | tables
20170404 | relationships
20170406 | input & output
20170411 | SQL & queries
20170413 | more queries
20170418 | databases lab
20170420 | presentation design
20170425 | presentation delivery
20170427 | presentation lab
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