Links to assignments will be listed here as they are posted.
In order to view an assignment, click the corresponding link below. You will be asked to confirm acceptance of the assignment. Then you will be taken to a GitHub repo with instructions, source code, and other materials that will help you to complete the assignment. Once you can view the repository, click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of the page in order to begin the assignment.
Assignment Breakdown
Table 1: List of required course tasks
Task | Components | % | Due date |
Basics | CodeAnywhere, GitHub setup | 20 | Week 1 |
Web | Site published on GitHub Pages | 20 | 7 July |
Text | Create formatted text documents | 15 | 13 July |
Data | Create and format spreadsheets using scripts | 5 | 15 July |
Database | Create and script queries in a database from tables | 15 | 18 July |
Present | Create and record a presentation | 15 | 22 July |
Participation | Come to class, Share resources | 10 | N/A |
Assignment 1: Get on GitHub
Get on GitHub has been archived here.
Assignment 2: Build a website
Build a website has been archived here.
Assignment 3: Create documentation
Create documentation has been archived here.
Assignment 4: Make data
Make data has been archived here.
Assignment 5: Organize data
Organize data has been archived here.
Assignment 6: Be presentable
Be presentable has been archived here.
Attendance is mandatory. You need to come to class, but you should also be present and attentive in class.
This is not a lecture-only class. It is mostly hands-on work. If you are in class and you are not doing anything, there is probably something wrong. You should likely be following along in a workflow or trying out examples on your own.
Take notes. Speak up in class. Tell us what you know. Feel free to make mistakes. No one will judge you here. If you are uncertain about something, speak up and ask! We will address your uncertainty and get you on the right path.
Participation is worth 10% of your final grade.