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Task #6 - Be Presentable

This assignment involves the creation of a well-formed presentation with voiceover narration.

The assignment aims to strengthen your HTML skills while also learning to create presentation materials and craft a short narrative for a presentation.

You will use reveal.js in combination with audio files to create an automated, narrated web object.


You will be exposed to the following skillsets;

  1. HTML5
  2. Audio manipulation
  3. Presentation skills


I expect you to work with a partner or small group (no more than 3) to write and construct a short (5 min) presentation on the topic of your choice.


You will need a text editor and audio manipulation software, preferrably Audacity. Your presentation will be stored in GitHub and you can manipulate the text using the editor in CodeAnywhere.


You will need to do the following for this assignment to be considered complete.

As a team:

  1. Fork this base repository (one team member should fork first and then add the other as a contributor).
  2. Create your base presentation slides using the included Markdown template and convert it to HTML5 using Pandoc. Instructions for this are in the file in this repository.
  3. Add speaker notes to enclose the text of your presentation.
  4. Add images, styles, and fragments accordingly.
  5. Narrate audio of the presentation (both team members must have their voices in the audio).
  6. Use Audacity to cut the audio files into the appropriate lengths for the transitions (see instructions on class site).
  7. Upload the audio files and insert the source links in each section and fragment.
  8. Make sure that all of your changes are added, committed, and pushed.
  9. Test your presentation to ensure that all runs smoothly.


  1. Sync your repository fork with the main fork at the end of the work (Look here for how to do this:
  2. Write a blog post that links to your fork of the repository and write a brief synopsis of the content of the presentation.