

INLS582, Systems Analysis; INLS382, Information Systems Analysis and Design; permission of instructor


This course will introduce basic principles relevant to the design of the human interface to computer-mediated information systems. The major topics to be discussed include the characteristics of information system users, the characteristics of tasks supported by information systems, the interface design process, and methods for evaluating an interface design.

Rationale and relationship to the current curriculum

This course is designed to prepare students to participate in the design of information system interfaces. Its content is dependent on prior knowledge gained in Systems Analysis (INLS582 or 382), which focuses on analyzing and designing the functions that systems perform, and is complementary to Database I (INLS523), which focuses on organizing the data provided by information systems. INLS718 will also introduce students to the methods used in the evaluation of system interfaces. This course is a prerequisite for INLS818, Seminar in Human-Computer Interaction.

PDF of the syllabus